Affiliated researchers

Dr Stefanie J. Krauth


After obtaining a PhD in Epidemiology at the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, an affiliated Institute of the University of Basel, Switzerland under the supervision of Jürg Utzinger, I ventured out to increase our systems-understanding of schistosomiasis and other neglected tropical diseases (NTDs). During a Postdoc at the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, in Switzerland, I further developed my research ideas to expand epidemiological research towards “Systems Epidemiology” of NTDs. Systems epidemiology, as a holistic research approach, seeks to integrate knowledge from classical epidemiology, with that of biology, ecology, social sciences, and other disciplines, and link these with informal, tacit knowledge from experts and effected populations using systems science methods.

Using this approach, I hope to uncover wider-reaching but difficult-to-identify processes that directly or indirectly influence NTDs, and understand how these interact with one another. Drawing on systems epidemiology to address persisting disease hotspots, failed intervention programmes, and systematically neglected population groups in mass drug administration programmes and research studies, can help overcome barriers in the progress towards schistosomiasis elimination. My current research focus is to generate a comprehensive, detailed overview of the schistosomiasis system as a whole to work towards better morbidity control and transmission elimination.

Google Scholar: Stefanie J. Krauth
ORCID: 0000-0002-5895-5585